Mission Statement

"Deep Down, We Care!"

Letts Dive!! provides outstanding value to our clients, staff, and community by conducting our operations in a professional and ecologically responsible manner. We are dedicated to preserving the oceans, lakes, and rivers of the world and will make an ongoing effort to reinvest our resources and energy to make a difference.

Our divers are clients, not customers. We understand that without clients, we will not survive.

We provide our clients with the highest quality of snorkel instruction, scuba diving instruction, and technical dive instruction. We offer the highest quality products, backed by excellent advice and service.

The staff at Letts Dive!! earns our client's business through positive, courteous and professional behavior. We are patient. We are loyal. We remember what it meant to be a new diver. Letts Dive!! is committed to fairly compensating all employees and will work tirelessly to promote professional staff development.
Letts Dive!! will be a positive member of our community!
